One more month: the eviction of tenants is extended again

One more month: the eviction of tenants is extended again

This is bad news for landlords with annoying tenants.

The tenant eviction ban has been extended for another four weeks, which could be a frustration for landlords hoping to evict tenants.

The eviction ban, which was due to expire at the end of this week, has been extended until September 20.

“This is a significant blow to many landlords in the UK.”

Habib Khan, attorney and property dispute specialist at the Shakespeare Martineau law firm, said: “The government’s decision to turn its eviction ban on its head on such short notice will be a significant blow to many homeowners from the United Kingdom.”

“After months of interruptions in tenant management activities, the expected end of the ban on Monday will have thrown light at the end of the tunnel and some will have been preparing to advance their cases by sending reactivation notices.”

“Until more guidance is issued, homeowners will be left in the dark and unable to plan the next steps necessary to take their cases to court. Rent arrears will continue to mount and they will also be powerless to address some cases of antisocial behavior that cannot be resolved otherwise.”

“Until the position is clearer, landlords should communicate with tenants in the best possible way to resolve disputes and seek advice on other avenues to support tenant management, for example, injunctions for antisocial behavior issues. However, many may argue that for tenants, the government is simply delaying the inevitable.”

“The government must take advantage of these four weeks.”

The tenant eviction ban was introduced in March. It was originally supposed to run for three months but was extended for another two in June.

Timothy Douglas, policy and campaign manager for ARLA Propertymark, said: “Now that the ban on evictions has been extended, the government should use this time to introduce more guidance and prepare the sector.”

“It is important to take steps towards normality so that both landlords and tenants have access to the justice system, while measures are implemented to offer more support to tenants who have accumulated arrears related to COVID, and this extension of four weeks will give the government the time to introduce such measures.”

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